Xiaverse Wiki
  • Etymology: Wonderful or terrible
  • Born: 444
  • Height: 1.77 m/5'10"
  • Weight: 59 kg/130 lbs.
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Hair: Dark Blonde
  • Facial Hair: Gote
  • Tattoos: None
  • Scars: Several on torso
  • Died: 476


Nothing is known of Uthr's early life, his parentage, or even where he was raised. However, born in the wake of the tumult of foederati revolting, his childhood must have consisted largely of surviving raids and avoiding starvation during the winters.


He did take advantage of the political upheavals of the time. Joining a roaming war-band at fifteen and establishing his own teulu at eighteen, he was a king in 463 . He ruled Pecse and protected a number of villages. During this time he had a son Arthur. He met his end when one of his unben betrayed him to a nearby king.


An honest, upright king, Uthr had taken advantage of the political upheaval to become a chieftain but was satisfied with the status quo.


  • "Rhyfelfawr Arthur"
  • The Demon of Lleuenydd