Xiaverse Wiki
Etymology Progeny
Born 468
Height 5’9”
Weight 130 lbs.
Eyes Green
Hair Blonde
Scars None
Tattoos None
Facial Hair Cleanshaven


More interested in girls than the household or boy's games, he still beat his competition easily whenever he did get involved. Because of his early and consistent victories he feels he has nothing to prove.

Coming from a carpenter background, he knows a great deal about woodworking and shipbuilding. He takes no pride in it, however, nor does he willingly tell people about it.


Arriving at Arthur's hall around 18, he has been willing to participate in any raid or battle he's been asked to - defending Arthur's hall, marching up to Ceredig's hall, and fighting Callus, the Din Peledyr king, and stealing Drwst's pigs. However, he doesn't seem to lust for battle and has not established himself as a strong warrior.


With a beautiful face and unusual height, he figured out early on he was appealing to women, even before he was a warrior. This has led to an endless string of broken hearts, both among the hall girls and the neighboring villages.


  • The Doom of Alt Clut
  • The Treasure of Gwyngwn